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Jul 30, 2018

In this episode, Chris and Steve try desperately to connect with the youths of today, so they surveyed around 100 Middle Aged Dads and asked "What do the youths of today talk about?!" The overwhelming answer was, "emojis". So, for some reason, they're doing an episode on it.

Reviews This Episode:

The Top 20 Emojis


Jul 23, 2018

In this very special episode, Chris and Steve stay up for 24 hours straight and review 5 minutes of each hour. Strap in, because this one is a long one. I'm currently writing this right after we finished, so I cannot think of any jokes. Just pretend I wrote something clever. HAHA GOOD ONE! (I'm so tired)

Reviews This...

Jul 16, 2018

In this episode, Chris and Steve get March Madness Fever! Except in July! And instead of basketball, it's frozen dinners! And there's only 8 of them! But everything else is the same! You read that right, Chris and Steve go through a bracket of 8 frozen dinners to crown the winner in The Game of Froze (n Dinners)....

Jul 9, 2018

In this episode, Chris and Steve check themselves for Gumps. Unfortunately, they found at least three, and they now have Stage 3 Forrest Gump Fever. The cure? To talk about Forrest Gump on a podcast for at least 80 minutes. Easy. Along the way, Chris finds a new way to plug his songs, Steve thinks shrimp is icky, and...

Jul 2, 2018

In this episode, Chris and Steve welcome Minnesotian (Sodian? Eh.) Leigh Ryan as they prance around the entirety of the Mall of America! Yes. There was prancing. Why else do you think Chris and Steve dropped upwards of $59.99 for Prancing Pants? They pay for themselves.

Reviews This Episode:

Wetzel's Pretzels